The show's producer, YG Entertainment, explained, "Stars from Korea and Japan who have lived in different places so far will have various experiences of both countries' culture and sentiment. The most interesting point of the project is the reaction and emotions of the stars from the two countries".", "image": "", "genre": [ "Comedy", "Friendship" ], "contentRating": "PG-13", "datePublished": "", "dateModified": "2020-08-20", "startDate": "", "endDate": "", "actor": [ ], "director": [ ], "trailer": { "@type": "VideoObject", "name": "Trailer for iKON Idol School Trip", "embedUrl": "", "thumbnailUrl": "" }, "productionCompany": [ { "@type": "Organization", "name": "", "description": "", "logo": "/app/manga/themes/kissasian/assets/images/noposter.jpg" } ], "countryOfOrigin": { "@type": "Country", "name": "South Korea" }, "numberOfEpisodes": "6", "episode": [ { "@type": "TVEpisode", "name": "Episode 6", "url": "", "episodeNumber": 6, "datePublished": "2020-08-20" }, { "@type": "TVEpisode", "name": "Episode 5", "url": "", "episodeNumber": 5, "datePublished": "2020-08-20" }, { "@type": "TVEpisode", "name": "Episode 4", "url": "", "episodeNumber": 4, "datePublished": "2020-08-20" }, { "@type": "TVEpisode", "name": "Episode 3", "url": "", "episodeNumber": 3, "datePublished": "2020-08-20" }, { "@type": "TVEpisode", "name": "Episode 2", "url": "", "episodeNumber": 2, "datePublished": "2020-08-20" }, { "@type": "TVEpisode", "name": "Episode 1", "url": "", "episodeNumber": 1, "datePublished": "2020-08-20" } ] }