This drama tells the story of Zhongzhou's new police officer, Gao Ren, who inadvertently goes undercover in a telecommunications fraud gang and assists the city bureau in solving a major criminal case. Graduating from the police academy, Gao Ren, raised at the train station, learns various deception techniques such as fraud, marriage scams, lies, jests, deceit, traps, cons, schemes, and abductions through his master's teachings of a thousand doors and eight generals. He becomes a promising talent in the police force's anti-fraud efforts.
When the squad leader's sister, An Lingling, falls victim to a "kill the pig" scam, Gao Ren leads a team of five anti-fraud members and clashes with thugs like Li Xiaoguai multiple times, achieving victory. The fraud leader, Mr. Jiang, has a love-hate relationship with him. Recognizing his abilities, the city bureau leadership assigns Captain Zou Lei and a disguised wealthy woman to assist Gao Ren.
He successfully infiltrates the fraud gang, risking his life to help the city bureau. He uncovers the gang's activities in campus loans, trap loans, zero-cost purchases, virtual currency investments, staged gambling, impersonation of law enforcement, and credit card fraud. Gaining crucial evidence blocking illicit gains, they ultimately dismantled this hidden fraud syndicate that had operated in Zhongzhou for decades.
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