Source: Kocowa", "image": "", "genre": [ "Documentary" ], "contentRating": "PG-13", "datePublished": "Nov 24, 2019", "dateModified": "2020-04-17", "startDate": "Nov 24, 2019", "endDate": "Dec 1, 2019", "actor": [ { "@type": "Person", "name": "Kim Nam Gil", "alternateName": "김남길", "birthDate": "March 13, 1980", "nationality": "South Korean", "description": "Kim Nam Gil is a South Korean actor, producer, singer, and philanthropist.
Kim is also the founder and CEO of a non-profit organization Gilstory that focuses on preserving cultural heritage, promoting arts and raising special purpose relief funds. Starting from February 2021, he established an entertainment company called GILSTORY Ent. as founder.
(Source: Wikipedia; Soompi)", "image": "" } ], "director": [ ], "trailer": { "@type": "VideoObject", "name": "Trailer for Life of Samantha", "embedUrl": "", "thumbnailUrl": "" }, "productionCompany": [ { "@type": "Organization", "name": "SBS", "description": "Seoul Broadcasting System (SBS) (Korean: 에스비에스) is a national South Korean television and radio network company, owned by the Taeyoung Construction. In March 2000, the company legally became known as SBS, changing its corporate name from Seoul Broadcasting System (서울방송). It has provided digital terrestrial television service in the ATSC format since 2001, and T-DMB (Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) service since 2005. Its flagship terrestrial television station is Channel 6 for digital and cable.", "logo": "" } ], "countryOfOrigin": { "@type": "Country", "name": "South Korea" }, "numberOfEpisodes": "4", "episode": [ { "@type": "TVEpisode", "name": "Episode 4", "url": "", "episodeNumber": 4, "datePublished": "2020-04-17" }, { "@type": "TVEpisode", "name": "Episode 3", "url": "", "episodeNumber": 3, "datePublished": "2020-04-17" }, { "@type": "TVEpisode", "name": "Episode 2", "url": "", "episodeNumber": 2, "datePublished": "2020-04-17" }, { "@type": "TVEpisode", "name": "Episode 1", "url": "", "episodeNumber": 1, "datePublished": "2020-04-17" } ]