Other Name: 宮内はるか
Birthday: May 26, 1993
Nationality: Japanese
Gender: Female
Miyauchi Haruka, known professionally as Miya, is a Japanese singer, dancer and former member of GWSN (공원소녀). She graduated from Higashi Middle School and, before debuting, was part of a VIXX cover group called BAXX and spent 4 months as a trainee. She began her career as a child actress in 2003 when she obtained a minor role in TBS's drama "You're a Pet" (너는 펫). She made her singing debut in September 2018 as GWSN's main dancer, lead rapper and vocalist with their first EP, "The Park in the Night, Part One". However, they struggled to promote as the agency, The Wave Music (더웨이브뮤직; previously known as Kiwi Media Group), kept changing the group to different subsidiary agencies. In January 2023, all members filed a lawsuit against the agency to terminate their contracts. The group effectively disbanded then and, in June 2023, the Seoul Central District Court awarded the victory to the members so their contracts were officially terminated. She went back to Japan and signed with Master Lights and is expected to debut as a soloist and as an actress. (Source: MyDramaList) Watch drama online for free.
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