Other Name: 黒木啓司
Birthday: January 21, 1980
Nationality: Japanese
Gender: Male
Keiji became a member of a Jpop group Nidaime J Soul Brothers in 2007 and joined the EXILE performer team in 2009. In 2012, he started carrying out activities officially as a member of EXILE THE SECOND. Aside from performer activities, he has devoted himself to movies, dramas, magazine series, MC on the self-produced TV show, thus further expanding the scope of his portfolio. Moreover, he launched the entertainment project "THE NINE WORLDS" promoting his hometown Kyushu in 2015. On December 16, 2021, he announced that he has married businesswoman Miyazaki Reika who is a single mother of 3. On June 11, 2022 it was announced that he would be leaving LDH JAPAN and retiring from showbiz at the end of October 2022. (source: ldh.co.jp) Watch drama online for free.
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