Other Name: 路斯明
Birthday: May 8, 1977
Nationality: Taiwanese
Gender: Male
Johnny Lu Sze-ming is a Taiwanese-American actor, singer and television host. Lu was born in Taipei City, Taiwan on May 8, 1977. At the age of eight, he moved to the United States where he spent the rest of his childhood and adolescent years. He later attended the University of California, Irvine, earning a bachelor's degree in English studies. After various modeling work, Lu crossed over to acting in 2002 with small roles in films such as Lost in Time, Fantasia and Driving Miss Wealthy. In 2008, he returned to Taiwan and appeared in his first Chinese (Mandarin) series, Police et Vous, playing the role of a businessman. Lu then starred in numerous television series such as Who's The One, Next Heroes, In Between, True Love 365, Life Plan A and B, High 5 Basketball, My Ex-Man, as well as several films including The Shopaholics, Fatal Move, and 100 Days. Lu is married to his high school sweetheart of over 20 years. They have a son and a daughter. (Source: WeliWelo at MyDramaList) Watch drama online for free.
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